Shining a spotlight on Leeds
- Working with LeedsBid
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Shining a spotlight on Leeds - Working with LeedsBID
Bokehgo was born in Leeds. Director John Slemensek studios Fine Arts at (then) Leeds Metropolitan University, starting in 2007. At this point I became passionately immersed in developing both the cultural and independent business scene, as I could see the true potential of Leeds was locked within those who believed in it. Working and investing in this city for over 12 years, I have been proud to be an active part of a huge community who has built the contemporary identity of the city from the ground level upwards.
A goal of Bokehgo is to support people, businesses, organisetions and initialtives that work for positive social change, and we are particularly interested when this is happening in Leeds. That is why we are very proud to have shared a long working relayionship for a non-for-profit who is very much aligned with our beliefs in Leeds - that organisation is LeedsBID
LeedsBID is ‘Leeds Business Improvement District’. It represents 986 businesses and organisations, LeedsBID is “focused on delivering an ambitious business plan to transform Leeds city centre – improving experiences, standards and adding value for all city users.
Leading on innovative projects and providing key investment, it aims to make Leeds city centre a cleaner, safer and more welcoming place, raising its profile nationally and internationally with new, diverse and prestigious events and exciting marketing campaigns.”
On establishing itself in April 2015, it hit the ground running, and the city has never looked back.
My first encounter with them from a work perspective was to make a film for their AGM. It involved interviewing a number of people who had played a strong role in the ambitions from